Are you a Mum with grown kids
that will soon be venturing out to discover their own path?

Discover a life of Intentional Purpose so that you can live your Empty Nesting years to their full potential.
We are Empty Nesters who are living this stage of life with purpose and passion and inspire others to do the same.
Come join us so that you can too.

Use Daily Affirmations to live life to the fullest during your Empty Nesting years.

We are Jane and Aaron, we met and fell in love in the UK in 1999. Our journey brought us to Australia in 2006 when we decided we wanted a better life for our three girls.
In early 2020's our adult children left home to start their own journey's.
We became Empty Nesters.
It was time to discover who we now were and wanted to be .
We had many ideas and plans, the biggest being to take a Gap Year. We became intentional and started to put plans in place to make sure this dream came reality.
The purpose behind this website, and our socials, is to inspire other Empty Nesters to also live this stage of life with intention.
Life is simply too short to not live it with purpose and passion.
Our aim now is to achieve our goal of time freedom, and enjoy this stage of life living where we want, doing what we want to do.
Together, we can enjoy the chapter of our life called empty nesting.

Decluttering your space is helpful for your mental wellbeing as an Empty Nesting.

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