The Abundant Nest

Empty Nest, Clear Space: Seven Tips for Decluttering Your Home and Your Mind


Jane Victoria Hide

Packing Boxes Stacked on a Shelf
Packing Boxes Stacked on a Shelf

Hi there, empty nester! Now that the kids have flown the coop, it's the perfect time to declutter your home and create a space that truly reflects the next chapter of life and your new beginnings. Ready to tackle those cluttered closets and overflowing drawers?

Here are seven tips to help declutter the house and clear your mind:

1. Start Small

Decluttering can feel overwhelming, especially if you've accumulated years of stuff. Start small by tackling one area at a time, like a single closet, cupboard or drawer. Breaking the task into manageable chunks will make it feel more achievable and less daunting. Use our 30 Day Declutter Challenge to help you start, download here.

2. Set Clear Goals

Before you dive in, set clear goals for your decluttering project. What do you hope to achieve? Are you looking to create more space, reduce stress, or simply streamline your belongings? Having a clear vision will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the process. You’ll find more about goal setting in this BLOG POST.

3. Use the Five-Box/bag Method

As you declutter each area, use the five-box method to sort your belongings into five categories: keep, donate, sell, bin or not sure. Be ruthless in your decision-making—if you haven't used or loved something in the past year, it's time to let it go. Unless you use your not sure box and come back to it.

4. Take It Slow

Decluttering isn't a race, it's a marathon. Take your time and be patient with yourself as you sort through your belongings. Remember, it's okay to take breaks and revisit areas later if you're feeling overwhelmed. Decluttering can be an emotional experience. It may be helpful to enlist a supportive friend. One that will support you, not railroad you into throwing things out.

5. Let Go of Sentimental Clutter

As empty nesters, we often hold onto things for sentimental reasons. While it's important to honour memories, it's also important to recognise when sentimental clutter is weighing us down. Keep only the items that truly bring you joy and let go of the rest. When we decluttered I took pictures of some sentimental things that I knew I needed to part with but wanted to keep the memory. I now have a USB of memories that I can watch anytime I like. Take a look at this BLOG POST* for more ideas. (*EXTERNAL LINK)

6. Create Organised Systems

Once you've decluttered an area, create organised systems to keep it that way. Invest in storage solutions like bins, baskets, and shelves to help corral your belongings and make it easier to find what you need. I love to label boxes so that the contents can clearly be seen from the outside. For me this is the fun bit because sorting belongings is personal choice and it’s up to you how you make it look. I love baskets.

7. Celebrate Your Progress

Finally, celebrate your decluttering victories along the way. Whether you've cleared out a single junk drawer or transformed an entire room, take a moment to acknowledge your progress and pat yourself on the back. Don’t forget to take before and after photos; you’ll be amazed at your progress. You also need an actual reward to motivate yourself and keep you going. Maybe chocolate, a coffee in peace or read a chapter of your book. You're embracing change, creating a home that's clutter-free and allowing space for new adventures!

So, there you have it, empty nesters—seven tips to help you declutter your home and your mind. By taking small steps, setting clear goals, and staying patient with yourself, you can create a space that's both peaceful and purposeful for this new chapter of life. Happy decluttering!

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